“My faith was lifted.  I was very good.” 

Vera W.

“I loved it.  Soaked in knowledge and have been putting it into practice.” 

Chris C.

“Conference was GREAT!  You gave me a lot of good insights about healing and God’s Word.  I will be going over the notes and putting them to work for me.” 

Cathy O.

“Loved it and would love to attend it again, please!  It was fabulous!”

Keisha G.

“Bob is not only gifted, he is a great communicator.  He displays the love of God in his presentations

Juan V.

“Very good.  Lots of meat and nuggets.”

Timothy F.

“I learned so much.  God’s Word works when we apply it.  We learned how to apply it

Sherlyn M.

“It helps people with little faith gain more insight to God’s Word. He equipped us to do many things, among them healing with faith in God.”

Margarita V.

“There was a lot of great information.  I loved the communion information.”

Amy U.

“Excellent, I learned a lot.  A further understanding and belief came upon me.  Very good presentation.”

Susan M.

“It gives you the boldness to speak to your sickness and take the healing Jesus has already provided”

Angie W.

“Well done.  Excellent instruction.  Second time around is even better”

Susan M.

“I had pain in one of my ankles at odd times.  It would last from 30 minutes to a couple of hours.  I also have some auto immune disorders for a long time.  I get a sharp pain from my stomach up my chest and will last for about 8 hours.  I experience both of these during the God’s Word Manifested conference.  I praised Jesus for my healing and the pains were gone within 5 minutes.” 

Susie M.